Berluto Armaturen
Selling any product from the catalog Berluto Armaturen at good prices
Our company is a reseller Berluto Armaturen
We offer:
Fast delivery
We will deliver your order in the shortest time, anywhere in the country.
Made in Germany
Manufacturer's guarantee. Reliability of every item.
Competitive Price
Direct supplier. The best prices on the market.
We are not the manufacturer, authorised distributor or authorised representative of the Berluto Armaturen brand in Ireland. The private labels and part numbers shown on this website are the property of their respective owners.
Ventil Berluto 002204 VentilDRV 225 - 1" Max. Eingangsdruck: 40 bar Einstellbereich: 1,5 - 20 bar Gehäuse: Gunmetal CC499Mediumberührte Innenteile: Messing CW614NPolbendichtung: NBRDichtungen: NBR*** Zolltarifnummer 84811099***
Berluto Armaturen
On request
On request
Druckminderventil Innengewinde, max. Eingangsdruck [Bar] 40 Ausgangsdruck [Bar] 1,5- 20 Innengewinde 1", Hersteller: Berluto Armaturen-Gmbh, Art.-Nr. 002204 Artikelbezeichnung Drv 225 - 1" Prüfhinweise: Nur Werksabnahme, bei vollständiger Bereitstellung Zertifizierung.
Berluto Armaturen
On request
On request
DRV 225 - 3/4"
Innengewinde nach ISO 228
Max. Vordruck: 40 bar
Einstellbereich: 1,5 - 20 bar
Gehäuse: Rotguss CC499K
medienberührte Innenteile: Messing CW614N
Kolbendichtung: NBR
Dichtungen: NBR
*** Zolltarif Nr. 84811099 ***
o.g. Ventile sind konform mit der
Druckgeräterichtlinie 2014/68/EU.
Berluto Armaturen
On request
On request
Manometer 0-25 bar
*** Zolltarif Nr. 90262040 ***
Berluto Armaturen
On request
On request
DRV 403-6 - 1/2"
Außengewinde nach ISO 7
Max. Vordruck: 16 bar
Einstellbereich: 1,5 - 6 bar
Gehäuse: Rotguss CC499K
medienberührte Innenteile:
Messing CW614N & Hostaform C
Membrane: EPDM (mit KTW und W270)
Dichtungen: EPDM (mit KTW und W270)
mit DVGW Zulassung
*** Zolltarif Nr. 84811005 ***
Berluto Armaturen
On request
On request
DRV 602 - DN 80
Flanschen nach DIN EN 1092 PN25
Baulänge: 310 mm.
Max. Vordruck: 25 bar
Einstellbereich: 1,5 - 6 bar
Gehäuse: Rotguss CC499K
medienberührte Innenteile:
Messing CW614N & Edelstahl 1.4404
Membrane: NBR
Dichtungen: NBR
Berluto Armaturen
On request
On request
Manometer 0-10 bar,50mm, G1/4"
50 mm, G 1/4 unten; ausgangsseitig
Manometer 0-25bar,50mm, G1/4"
Anschluss unten
Berluto Armaturen
On request
On request
50 mm, G 1/4 unten; ausgangsseitig
anometer 0-25bar,50mm, G1/4"Anschluss unten
Berluto Armaturen
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
About the manufacturer
Our catalog contains the entire product line of the Berluto Armaturen manufacturer at good prices with door-to-door delivery to any region of United States Ireland, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Uruguay, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Seychelles, Chad, Algeria, Uganda, Panama, Benin, Yemen, Grenada, Vietnam, East Timor, Denmark, Syria, Kuwait, Burkina Faso, Romania, Lithuania, Comoros, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Bangladesh, Lesotho, Bolivia, Croatia, Luxembourg, Dominica, Switzerland, Malawi, Iceland, Bahrain, Mauritania, Sri Lanka, Iran, Guatemala, Mali, Madagascar, Venezuela, Sudan, Kiribati, Palestine, Mexico, Nicaragua, Guyana, Guinea-Bissau, Pakistan, Turkey, Fiji, Morocco, including your area: Ashburn. Our managers will help you to select and buy suitable Berluto Armaturen product or spare part, just right after sending an application form. To find out the prices and delivery time, please fill in the feedback form or send your inquiry to [email protected]
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