
Selling any product from the catalog Dittmer at good prices
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We are not the manufacturer, authorised distributor or authorised representative of the Dittmer brand in Ireland. The private labels and part numbers shown on this website are the property of their respective owners.

Lager-Temp.-Fühler/bearing sensor 2xPT100 A 3Leiter/wire Ex-Schutz Exia A-Kabel/cable 10 m Kabelverschraubung/cable gland M16x1,5 BVS 03 ATEX E292 X Model Exia,V,02,06 Kalibrierung/calibration 3 Meßpunkte/points 40°C/80°C/120°C F.-Rohr/tube: Ø 6 x 220 mm Spitze/top 4 x 30mm Flex/flexibl + Manufacture Certificate Werkszeugnis 3.1 Manufacture Certificate 3.1 (Test Report) ATTENTION: This is not a Calibration Certificate Werkszeugnis 3.1
On request
On request
Manufacture Certificate Werkszeugnis 3.1B Manufacture Certificate 3.1B (Test Report) ATTENTION: This is not a Calibration Certificate Werkszeugnis 3.1B
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
On request
Widerstandsthermoelement D180913352 2xPT100 Ohm DIN Klasse A 3-Draht-Hülse 6x60 mm Spitze Ø 3,2x11 mm L1=4000mm L2=6000mm Modell 4,69,40,02
On request
On request
02 Thermoresistenz ;Pt 100 Ohm ;Mineralisolierung ;Stablänge: 220mm ;Anschlussart: 3 Drähte ;Doppelelement ;Toleranzklassifizierung: Klasse A ;elektrischer Anschluss: Kabelverschraubung ;tp. Prozessanschluss: Nippel/Verschraubung ;Ex ia - NBR IEC 60079-0 ;Gruppe IIC ;Temperaturklasse T5
On request
On request
Thermometer Produktion Dittmer GbR. Id.Nr. rem312237-2xPt100/3L DIN-B D1705490902 TYP4.69.05.04 BYS03ATEXE292X/iECEx BYS110007X/ Die Länge der Hülse 16mm, Durchmesser der Hülse 3,2 mm. Gesamtlänge 5m. Schlussfolgerungen 7
On request
On request
Temperatursensor Silikon-Messwiderstand PT100 DIN/EN 60751 Kl. B 4-Leiter 23 x 10 x 1,5 mm Silikonträger - 70 bis + 200°C PTFE-Anschlußlitze 2,5 m lang SIL-23x10-4L-2,5
On request
On request
Temperaturfühler Radiallager Beitritt V12x1, Messbereich 0...150 gr.Mit
On request
On request
Temperaturfühler 1xPt100-1.3850-(-40...+200)gr. С-f3 mm-174 mm-470 mm
On request
On request
WTH 1 x PT 100/3-Leiter Klasse A L1 = 160 mm mit abgesetzter Spitze Ø 3,2 mm L2 = 40 mm LK 450 mm BVS 03 ATEX E292 X Ex II 2G Ex ia IIC T4/T6 Gb Ex II 2D Ex ia IIIC T135°C Db Model 4,68,01,00 Werkskalibrierung Kalibriert 40-80-120°C Zulassung EAC TC RU Nr.: 0408134 PA-RU/BE/KA Certifikate inkl.Passport inkl. poverka (Erstkalibrierung)
On request
On request
Widerstandsthermometer 1 x PT 100/3-Leiter Klasse A Flexbereich 2500 mm Spitze Ø 3,2x11 mm Kabellänge 2800 mm BVS 03 ATEX E292 X Ex II 2G Ex ia IIC T4/T6 Gb Ex II 2D Ex ia IIIC T135°C Db Model 4,69,25,02 Werkskalibrierung Kalibriert 40-80-120°C Zulassung EAC TC RU Nr.: 0408134 PA-RU/BE/KA Certifikate inkl.Passport inkl. poverka (Erstkalibrierung) Ausführung nach Datenblatt 8.4
On request
On request
Widerstandsthermometer 1 x PT 100/3-Leiter Klasse A Flexbereich 2000 mm Spitze Ø 3,2x11 mm Kabellänge 2800 mm BVS 03 ATEX E292 X Ex II 2G Ex ia IIC T4/T6 Gb Ex II 2D Ex ia IIIC T135°C Db Model 4,69,20,02 Werkskalibrierung Kalibriert 40-80-120°C Zulassung EAC TC RU Nr.: 0408134 PA-RU/BE/KA Certifikate inkl.Passport inkl. poverka (Erstkalibrierung) Ausführung nach Datenblatt 8.4
On request
On request
Widerstandsthermometer mit Tauchhülse: G1/4'' EL100 mm x Ø9 mm V2A Quetschring aus Teflon Fühler: B-Kopf 2xPT100 DIN B 3-Leiter 1x Reserve 1x auf Messumformer: Typ PR5333A (NoEx) Messbereich 0-150°C, Ausgang 4-20mA NL passend zur Tauchhülse (ca.135 mmx Ø6 mm) // RTD with protection sleeve G1/4" build in length 100mm x ø9mm SS Queezing ring Teflon Sensor:B-connection head 2xPT100 DIN B 3-wire 1x Reserve 1x on transmitter: Typ PR5333A (NoEx) range 0-150°C, output 4-20mA Nominal length 135 mmx Ø6 mm
On request
On request
Temperaturfühler/RTD A-2-B-3-1-3-04-050 2xPT100 DIN Kl.B 3-L Flexlänge/ Flex length = 400 mm Spitze/ Top 3,2x15 mm KL/Cable length = 5000 mm WerksKalibrierung/ Manufacture Calibration 40-80-120 °C Ex i BVS 03 ATEX E292 X Ex II 2G Ex ia IIC T4/T6 Gb Ex II 2D Ex ia IIIC T135°C DB Model 4,69,04,05 (Model 4.91 Baugleich/ identical mit/ with 4,69 seit/ since 2015) EAC TCRU 012/2011 0408134 Pattern Approval RU/BEL/KA +Erstkalibrierung Poverka Russia / Primary verification Poverka Russia inkl./Incl. Passport pro Fühler/ Sensor
On request
On request
Delivery cost calculation
Enter the address and weight of the parcel to calculate the estimated of delivery

The cost of delivery of an order weighing 1 kg to the following address 32 Station Road, Wexford, Y35 V9A9, Ireland

Estimate cost: 10.8 €

About the manufacturer

Our catalog contains the entire product line of the Dittmer manufacturer at good prices with door-to-door delivery to any region of United States , including your area: Ashburn. Our managers will help you to select and buy suitable Dittmer product or spare part, just right after sending an application form. To find out the prices and delivery time, please fill in the feedback form or send your inquiry to [email protected]

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