Omec Motors

Selling any product from the catalog Omec Motors at good prices
Our company is a reseller Omec Motors

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To receive a brand quote, send a request to [email protected] or fill out the form below

We are not the manufacturer, authorised distributor or authorised representative of the Omec Motors brand in Ireland. The private labels and part numbers shown on this website are the property of their respective owners.

Omec Motors
Motor OMT1-IE2 355 XC-6 400/690V 50Hz IMB3
Omec Motors
On request
On request
OMT1-IE3 250M2 55kW 400/690V 50Hz B3 Iso F-B / IP55 / PTC150°C / Shaft 60m6 / Ral 7031
Omec Motors
On request
On request
OMT1-IE3 132S2 5,5kW 400/690V 50Hz B3 Iso F-B / IP55 / PTC150°C / Shaft 38k6 / Ral 7031
Omec Motors
On request
On request
OMT1-IE2 160M6 7,5kW 380/660V 50Hz B3 Iso H / IP55 / PTC150°C / Shaft 42k6 / Ral 7031 With High Temperature Bearing Grease
Omec Motors
On request
On request
Omec Motors
On request
On request
OMT1-G 200M4 37kW 380/660V 50Hz B3 GOST Execution / Iso-F / IP55 / PTC 150° /Ral 7031
Omec Motors
On request
On request
Fabrikat: OMEC Motors Type: OMTI-lE3 100L2 Wirkungsgradkl. : lE3-87,1o/o Leistung50/60H2: 3,00 kW / 3,5 kW Drehzahl50/60H2: 2880 1/min / 3480 1/min Spannung 50/60H2: D¡l z100/690 V I DN 4401760 V Frequenz: 50/60 Hz lsolation: Klasse F SchuÞart: lP 55 Bauform: lM 83 Motoroohutz: PTC150'C Gehäuse: Grauguß Lack¡erung: RAL 7031
Omec Motors
On request
On request
Drehstrom-Asynchronmotor progress¡ve Baureihe Fabrikat Techtop Type: T3A 90L2-4 Leistung:2,2 kW Drehzahl: 1430 1/min Spannung: D/Y 230/,100 V Frequenz: 50 Hz lsolation: Klasse F Wirkungsgradkl.: lE3 - 86,7% Schuäart: lP 55 Bauform: lM B14s Motorschutz: PTC 150'C Gehäuse: Aluminium
Omec Motors
On request
On request
Omec Motors
On request
On request
Motor OMT1-400-4 630 400/690 1485 IM B3 IP55 50Hz S1
Omec Motors
On request
On request
Electric motor IE2-Motoren Power 2.2 kW rotor speed 3000 rpm Flanged mounting version
Omec Motors
On request
On request
Electric motor, IM B3, IP55, 50 Hz, 1.1 kW, 2840 rpm, 230/400 V (D/Y), cos f=0.84, efficiency - 76.2%, insulation class - F, operating mode - S8 17-ОВ1
Omec Motors
On request
On request
132 kW motor
Omec Motors
On request
On request
OMT4 802-2 electric motor, IM B3, IP55, 50 Hz, 1.1 kW, 2840 rpm, 230/400 V (D/Y), cos f=0.84, efficiency - 76.2%, insulation class - F, operating mode - S8.
Omec Motors
On request
On request
Elektromotor 30 kW, 2960 U/min, auf den Hinterbeinen
Omec Motors
On request
On request
Delivery cost calculation
Enter the address and weight of the parcel to calculate the estimated of delivery

The cost of delivery of an order weighing 1 kg to the following address 15 Abbey Road, Waterford, X91 P9A5, Ireland

Estimate cost: 10.8 €

About the manufacturer

Our catalog contains the entire product line of the Omec Motors manufacturer at good prices with door-to-door delivery to any region of United States , including your area: Ashburn. Our managers will help you to select and buy suitable Omec Motors product or spare part, just right after sending an application form. To find out the prices and delivery time, please fill in the feedback form or send your inquiry to [email protected]

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