Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)

Selling any product from the catalog Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) at good prices
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We are not the manufacturer, authorised distributor or authorised representative of the Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) brand in Ireland. The private labels and part numbers shown on this website are the property of their respective owners.

Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)


Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Elastic couplings Elastic couplings
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Brakes Brakes
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Limit switches Limit switches
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Disc brakes Disc brakes
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Two in one Two in one
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Clutches Clutches
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Discs Discs
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Truck and crawler cranes Truck and crawler cranes Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Mud pumps Mud pumps
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Wind power Wind power
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Hydraulic units Hydraulic units
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Hydraulic fracturing Hydraulic fracturing
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Plugs Plugs
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Customized solutions Customized solutions
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Power supplies Power supplies
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Gantry/Port Cranes Gantry/Port Cranes
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)  Folding jib cranes Folding jib cranes
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Ski lifts Ski lifts
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Counterbalanced Loaders Counterbalanced Loaders
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Control systems Control systems
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Marine propulsion systems Marine propulsion systems
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) Yaw brakes Yaw brakes
Gleichrichtereinheit (mechanisches Uhrwerk mit Diodenbrücke)
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
22_HGE_552_FV50_A1R Hilfsstrom-Getriebe-Endschalter Typ: 22HGE-552FV50-A1R-D12 Größe : A1R Bauform : Fußausführung Schutzart : IP 65 Getriebe : i= 25,20 mit 5 Schnappschaltelementen für max. Ith2 10 A, 250 V, AC für max. 21,74 stufenlos einstellbare Nutzumdrehungen mit 40° Nockenscheiben mit Sonderantriebswelle D = 12 mm Farbe RAL 7021
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
ZHP 4-20 Seilwinde Hydraulikbremse 219297 KMB 32 784-01349
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
Periflex-Scheibenkupplung PVN 28331 S 11,5 " A-Seite : Anschluss 352,4 mm B-Seite : inkl. Spannbuchse 3020 mit Bohrung 35 mm, Nut nach DIN 6885/1 Länge (l) = 51 mm inkl. Werkszeugnis nach EN 10204-2.1
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
Elektromagnet−Zweiflächen−Federdruckbremse Typ: NFF 100/85 Ritzel mit Dmr. 70H7 und Nut 20JS9x4.9 nach DIN 6885/1, Mikroschalter zur Schaltkontrolle − 1.5m Anschlussleitung, Heizung für 240 V AC und 40 W − 1.5m Anschlussleitung, Tachoflansch mit Dmr. 100H8 für Wellendichtring, Anschlussleitung radial − ca. 1.5m lang, Anschluss an : 380 V AC Spule : 190 V DC/ 296.4 W Leerlaufdrehzahl : 2800 U/min Masse : 85.5 kg Thermische Klasse : 155 (F) Nennmoment : 850 Nm (reduziertes Moment)
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
disc tyre VN 54911 R
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
Hydraulisch geschaltete Lamellen−Kupplung KMK/B 20 S A−Seite mit festen Anschlussmassen B−Seite Bohrung 40 H7, Nut 12 P9 x 3,3 + 0,2 mm = Sonderausführung: − horizontale Einbaulage − Ausführung als Haltebremse − max. Drehmoment Mü = 350 Nm − Lüftdruck p = 25 bar − max. Leerlaufdrehzahl n = 4000 1/min − Hubvolumen Neuzustand = 8 cm³ max. Verschleiß = 15 cm³ − Druckölanschluss M12 x 1,5 mm − Gewicht: m = ca. 14 Kg Montage−/Betriebsanleitung−Nr.: 777−00911
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
Elektromagnet Polreibungskupplung Typ: MGL 24 C4 mit integrierter Riemenscheibe D=139 und Poly−V Profil L10 mit gelagertem Ankerteil, Rotorbohrung Dmr. 30mmH7 + Paßfedernut nach DIN 6885/01 (8 P9 x 3.3), mit Hirschmann− Steckverbinder Spule : 24 VDC / 68 W Nennmoment : 250 Nm statisch Sach−Nr. alt : 213−300017−951 Gewicht : 16,7 kg
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
Brückengleichrichter Typ: BG 270-1 Eingang : max. 270 V AC Ausgang: max. 240 V DC / 1.8 A Warencode : 85052000 Ursprungsland : DE
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
Elastisches Element für Kupplung 310 R
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
Ölzuführung 629686.5 / oil feed 629686.5 - Einschraubzapfen M20 x 1,5 mm - Leitungsanschluss M16 x 1,5 mm Warencode : 39174000 Ursprungsland : DE
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
Kupplung Stromag-Periflex VA2780W Ifd. Nr. 74
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
Periflex Wellenkupplung PND 200R − 550 −− Katalogausführung −− A−Seite: gebohrt und genutet nach DIN 6885/1 B−Seite: gebohrt und genutet nach DIN 6885/1 (!! bitte bei Bestellung angeben !!) Länge (l) = 500 mm Zeichnung: 830V00236 /
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
Schnellschalt-Gleichrichter-Baustein SSG 400/6 (Alte STROMAG-Sachnummer: 060 50 5801-000) - Anschluss an 400 Volt-AC + 15 %/- 10 %, 50-60 Hz - Gleichrichter Brücke/Einweg = 360 / 180 V/D - max. Spulenstrom 6 A
Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion)
On request
On request
Delivery cost calculation
Enter the address and weight of the parcel to calculate the estimated of delivery

The cost of delivery of an order weighing 1 kg to the following address 88 Church Street, Limerick, V94 N4W2, Ireland

Estimate cost: 10.8 €

About the manufacturer

Our catalog contains the entire product line of the Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) manufacturer at good prices with door-to-door delivery to any region of United States , including your area: Ashburn. Our managers will help you to select and buy suitable Stromag (Brand of Altra Industrial Motion) product or spare part, just right after sending an application form. To find out the prices and delivery time, please fill in the feedback form or send your inquiry to [email protected]

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